Three Penny Opera
Live Life in Luxury. That’s what it’s for.
San Jose Stage Company starts off 2014 with Three Penny Opera. Ken Kelleher directs a fantastic play/musical about this police officer, (Tiger Brown, played by me) who tries to save his daughter and best friend from a life of crime. But they end up falling in love and living happily ever after. So it’s cool.
We play Wednesdays through Sundays all the way through March, and your attendance is greatly appreciated and requested!
Buy Tickets Here
Read Reviews! Stark Insider Operaville
We’ve been having an awful lot of fun. There have been last minute changes, and the ripping of pants, (two pairs, two consecutive nights) and the dislodging of plastic curtains, and the “bong” sound of being hit in the side of the head with an over head light.
I also broke my hand (Comminuted spiral fracture of the 5th metatarsal) while catching an actor flying through the air. I basically punched a gun that I was holding in my hand so hard that I shattered my bone. To add a little fun to the story, I assumed that since I could move everything that my hand wasn’t broken. I proceeded to try to gut through the strange sensations using ice and ibuprofen. I did feel much better once they gave me a splint and an ace bandage. As it stands today, I am feeling fine. Just a little foolish. Especially telling my Stage Combat Class that they are responsible for their own safety.