pictures and reviews and videos, oh my!

Reasons to be Pretty!   


HI every one!

Thank again for stopping by the old blog. reasons to be pretty has been open for a full week and we have three more to go.  Wednesday, Thursday at 7:30, Friday and Saturday at 8pm and Sundays at 2:30 until October 24th. And so, really, the only thing missing is your kind attendance. 

Watch a cast video!

I have received a lot of maybes from a  lot of folks who feel that San Jose is just too far to go.  I say that I agree, I drive there everyday for shows, and I know just how much time is spent in the car.  So my bargain for you is to send someone you know from the San Jose area to come and see the show.  As a proxy.  Tell them to come up to me after the show and say, “I am so and so’s proxy” and then I will be satisfied.  So there :)


And if you’re still hesitant, here’s a couple of really generous reviews for your perusal:

    Mercury News             KQED               Stark Insider

Thanks again guys, and keep your fingers crossed for some good news in the upcoming week!


That’s my freaking head, like three feet tall!  WTF?